Community Infrastructure Levy
West Northamptonshire Council (Formally Daventry District Council (DDC – the Charging Authority) introduced it's CIL charging schedule on the 1st September 2015.
West Northamptonshire Council is required to pass a percentage of the total CIL receipts raised in a town/parish council area directly to the town or parish council where the development is taking place. This is known as the 'meaningful proportion'. Currently the percentage is set at 15% or in areas where there is a neighbourhood development plan, the amount passed to the town or parish is 25%. Daventry Town Council does not yet have an adopted Neighbourhood Plan.
Regulation 62A of the Community Infrastructure Regulations 2010 (as amended) (CIL Regulations) requires the a town or parish council produce an annual report for each financial year setting out a summary of:
- The amount of CIL funds received
- Details of what CIL funds have been spent on
- The amount of CIL funds retained at the end of the reported year by the Council for future spend.
The reports for Daventry Town Council are below -