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Major Planning Developments

This page contains details of major housing developments proposed or planned within Daventry.

Retirement Community on land off Warwick Street

The proposals being brought forward for the developer McCarthy Stone to provide a new specialist retirement community on land off Warwick Street is in the early stages of development and have not yet been submitted to the Local Planning Authority.

The developer is proposing to develop 47 one and two bedroom retirement living apartments, together with landscaping, indoor communal facilities and on-site car parking, on land off Warwick Street.

Details of the proposal can be found on the McCarthy Stone website

Daventry North East SUE Illustrative Masterplan

Daventry North East Sustainable Urban Extension

Outline planning application DA/2020/0100 has been submitted to the Local Planning Authority (West Northamptonshire Council) for the development of an urban extension to the north-east of Daventry, which will include the provision of

  • 3,400 dwellings
  • elderly persons accommodation
  • a local centre (including convenience store, pub/restaurant, day nursery/health care and retail terrace)
  • an extension to Daventry Country Park
  • two new primary schools
  • a new secondary school
  • new cycling and walking routes
  • structural greenspace and wildlife corridors
  • highway infrastructure (including a new access into the site of Eastern Way and anew road link to Norton)

Micklewell Park Illustrative Masterplan

Micklewell Park

Outline planning application DA/2014/0869 was approved by the Local Planning Authority (West Northamptonshire Council) for the development of a housing estate on Land of Ashby Road, Daventry, which was to include the provision of

  • 450 dwellings
  • provision of site for a new primary school
  • community hub
  • public open space, allotments and associated infrastructure

Monksmoor Illustrative Masterplan


Outline planning application 07/0161/OUTWND was approved by the Local Planning Authority (West Northamptonshire Council) for the development of a housing estate on Land at Monksmoor Farm, Welton Road, Daventry, which was to include the provision of

  • 1000 dwellings
  • provision of site for new Primary School
  • a local centre with community buildings including community hall and local medical centre; retail accommodation and local employment accommodation together with other supporting facilities.
  • an extension to Daventry Country Park
  • public open spaces including allotments and children's play areas

Daventry South West SUE Illustrative Masterplan

Daventry South West Sustainable Urban Extension

The Daventry South West Sustainable Urban Extension (also known as Malabar) has been separated into two areas; land at Malabar Farm and land at Drayton Lodge, with two planning applications coming foward.

Outline planning application DA/2019/0750 was approved by the Local Planning Authority (West Northamptonshire Council) for the development of a housing estate on Land at Malabar Farm, A425/Staverton Road, Daventry, which was to include the provision of

  • 1100 dwellings
  • provision of site for a new primary school
  • a local centre
  • public open space

Planning application DA/2019/1000 was approved by the Local Planning Authority (West Northamptonshire Council) for the development of a housing estate on land at Drayton Lodge, Staverton Road, Daventry, which was to include the provision of

  • 140 dwellings
  • associated infrastructure including vehicular access from the A425
  • public open space and green infrastructure

Last updated: Fri, 12 May 2023 13:21