The Town Council has a number of policies and procedures, many of these are uploaded to the website and can be reviewed by following the file links below.
Please contact the office via or call 01327 301246 if there is any specific you would like to view and cannot find, or if you need to access any of this documentation in an alternative format.
Allocation of Allotment Plots (PDF, 102 Kb)
Asset Management Plan (PDF, 193 Kb)
Audio Recording of Meetings (PDF, 100 Kb)
Bee-Keeping Agreement and Conditions (PDF, 105 Kb)
Cemetery Regulations (PDF, 161 Kb)
Code of Conduct (PDF, 259 Kb)
Complaints Policy and Procedure (PDF, 80 Kb)
Co-option Policy (PDF, 111 Kb)
Credit Card Policy (PDF, 98 Kb)
Data Breach Policy (PDF, 104 Kb)
Data Protection Policy (PDF, 83 Kb)
Data Retention and Disposal Policy (PDF, 163 Kb)
Daventry Market Terms and Conditions (PDF, 198 Kb)
Disposal of Open Space/Amenity Land (PDF, 83 Kb)
Email Communication (PDF, 76 Kb)
Equal Opportunities Policy (PDF, 135 Kb)
Equality and Diversity Policy (PDF, 102 Kb)
Expenses Policy (PDF, 21 Kb)
Financial Regulations (PDF, 279 Kb)
Financial Risk Assessment (PDF, 108 Kb)
Flag Policy (PDF, 79 Kb)
Freedom of Information Publication Scheme (PDF, 119 Kb)
Funding and Support Policy (PDF, 136 Kb)
Health & Safety Policy (PDF, 190 Kb)
Hospitality & Gifts Policy (PDF, 31 Kb)
Keeping Hens or Rabbits on Allotments (PDF, 123 Kb)
Leave of Absence for Meetings (PDF, 211 Kb)
Mayoral Allowance Policy (PDF, 125 Kb)
Memorial Management Policy (PDF, 164 Kb)
Metal Detecting Policy (PDF, 40 Kb)
Privacy Policy (PDF, 106 Kb)
Procurement Policy (PDF, 129 Kb)
Protocol on Communication (Appendix 1) (PDF, 101 Kb)
Risk Management Scheme (PDF, 148 Kb)
Sexual and General Harassment Policy and Procedure (PDF, 151 Kb)
Social Media Policy (PDF, 109 Kb)
Sponsorship Policy (PDF, 97 Kb)
Standing Orders (PDF, 297 Kb)
Subject Access Request Procedure (PDF, 118 Kb)
Terms and Conditions for the use of the Council Chamber (PDF, 76 Kb)
Terms of Reference - Personnel Panel (PDF, 93 Kb)
Time off in Lieu Policy (PDF, 143 Kb)
Training Policy (PDF, 86 Kb)
Travellers Policy (PDF, 109 Kb)
Tree Management Policy (PDF, 213 Kb)
Treasury Policy (PDF, 125 Kb)
Use of Open Spaces for Outdoor Events & Activities (PDF, 148 Kb)