20th January 2025

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What is the Daventry Town Centre Vision?

Work on the vision started in March 2020, as Daventry District Council (DDC) recognised that the Town Centre Vision 2021 had reached the end of its intended period and the importance of adopting a Town Centre vision before Vesting Day of the new West Northamptonshire Council.

The Vision, although not a planning document, proposes to declutter and improve the public realm, improve pedestrian and cycle links to the Town, reduce traffic domination, introduce lighting, enhance the public open spaces to encourage growth of the night-time economy, re-location of the bus station to create a one-way system to give priority to pedestrians, develop land by the Police Station, West Court Car Park and Leisure Centre and a new leisure/arts/community facility on land by The Hollow.

Daventry District Council adopted the vision, at its last meeting, on 18th March 2021 following Daventry Town Council's adoption of the vision at a Special Meeting on 15th March 2021.

For more details:

Watch the original DTCV2035 video below...

The process of developing the Vision

A draft proposal for maximising the potential of Daventry town centre over the next 15 years has been unveiled. Daventry residents were encouraged to share their views on the proposals by visiting https://daventry2035.com

Based on public responses to a consultation held over the summer of 2020, the draft Daventry Town Centre Vision 2035 set out a range of measures that could be implemented to transform the centre as a destination for residents, visitors and businesses.

Led by Daventry District Council and ourselves the Daventry Town Centre Vision 2035 aims to create a framework for how the town centre can grow and evolve, to help attract investment and development.

The draft Vision was shaped by the views of more than 600 people who responded to a consultation held in the summer. It also included input from key stakeholders, including representatives from businesses, councils, and other organisations.

Feedback provided during this second phase of consultation was used to help create a Final Vision, which was voted on by councillors before it could be introduced.

Councillor Lynne Taylor, Mayor of Daventry, said: "I was heartened that so many people commented with their thoughtful views on the first draft of the Daventry Town Centre Vision 35 consultation. I urged our residents to contribute their views once more to refine the final vision, as this document will help to shape and define the future for Daventry."

See the proposed new plans for Daventry here

People can also request a paper copy of the draft Vision by emailing customerservices@daventrytowncouncil.gov.uk or by phoning Daventry Town Council on 01327 301246.

It's your town, so we really want to hear your views to help shape the Vision. Please take a moment to complete the survey. Tell us what you think of the town centre and share your ideas of how you think it can be improved, so we can work together to make it happen.

For more details about the closing date, please visit: www.daventry2035.com

Last updated: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 12:31